Thursday, September 7, 2006

Family of Fouad Kaady files federal lawsuit

The Gresham man was shot by Sandy and Clackamas County police a year ago

The Sandy Post, Sep 7, 2006, Updated Sep 8, 2006

The family of Fouad Kaady filed a lawsuit against the city of Sandy and Clackamas County this week in federal court, coinciding with the one year anniversary of Kaady's death.

Kaady was shot and killed by Sandy police officer Bill Bergin and Clackamas County Sheriff's Deputy Dave Willard Sept. 8, 2005, after a string of seemingly bizarre events including several hit-and-run collisions, a car fire and a possible assault.

Police claimed they were threatened by Kaady and maintain that their split-second decision was unfortunate, but justified.

Family members say Kaady, who was badly burned and bleeding at the time of the encounter, was in need of help and was unjustly shot.

Rumors of a lawsuit have circulated since a Clackamas County Grand Jury cleared the two involved officers of all criminal wrongdoing last fall.

In addition to the city and the county, the Kaady family is suing Bergin and Willard individually.

Representatives from the Sandy Police Department, the city of Sandy and Clackamas County would not comment on the case due to the pending litigation.

For background information on the case, read "The Kaady Files" at:

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