Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Ore. case said to raise questions about police training

published in USA Today - blogs

The death of a Tigard, Ore., 18-year-old who was shot by sheriff's deputies has raised questions about "training methods and procedures taught to law enforcement officers throughout Oregon and the nation," The Oregonian reports.

Lukas Glenn was killed Saturday night. According to the Washington County sheriff's department, he was armed with a knife, refused the deputies' orders to drop it and ignored beanbags they fired at him. When he headed toward his house -- where his family was -- the deputies fired their guns.

"It appears to have been very much by the book," Geoffrey Alpert, chairman of the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of South Carolina, told the newspaper. "The use of deadly force to save people inside that house seems to have been reasonable."

But, said Jack Levin, director of the Brudnick Center on Violence at Northeastern University, a review board "will have to determine whether the pocket knife ... was a realistic threat."

Oregon State Sen. Avel Gordly, a Democrat, is pushing for legislation to give police in the state more training about when to use deadly force. "Barbers and hairdressers receive more training than our police officers," Gordly told the Oregonian.

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