Friday, October 14, 2005

Rally for Fouad Kaady is Tomorrow Oct. 15

author: Vania Kaady - published in Portland IndyMedia

The rally for Fouad Kaady is at hand, and I am making another public call for support from our community. The rally will begin at 2p.m in front of the Subway located in downtown Sandy off of Proctor Blvd. We have flyers and large posters ready for all those that want to help inform the citizens there of what has transpired to our much beloved Fouad. It is very difficult for us (his immediate family) to go back to the city whose police officers murdered our precious son and brother, so we need all of our friends, family, and concerned citizens to be there. Standing united we are a much stronger power which is beyond the lethal force these lost souls used against the light that Fouad was and still is to us all. May he be glorified and remembered for who he really was. A grand soul with a grand purpose which was to love unconditionally and to feed all who crossed his path with a precious smile, sincere word, or to share his blessed bread. Thank you all. If you have any quesions please email me at

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