Friday, October 14, 2005

Support is needed for Grand Jury Trials

author: Family - published in Portland IndyMedia

The grand jury trial for Fouad Kaady who was shot and murdered by the Sandy and Clackamas Police Departments a little over a month ago will be this Monday and Tuesday October 17th and 18th. The jury will convene at 10:45 a.m on Monday and at 8:30 a.m on Tuesday and will be meeting at the Clackamas County Courthouse located at 807 Main Street in Oregon City. We are need of as many individuals to come and show our power in numbers. We need to show the people responsible in attaining justice that we loved Fouad and we expect those that perpetuated this heinous crime to be held accountable. We have ten posters with Fouad's picture and a few words about what happened to him that need to be held by his friends, family, and citizens. The ruthless killing of our beloved bretheren needs to stop! Fouad could have easily been your son, brother, nephew, cousin, or much beloved friend. The time is at hand to make a change. Please come out and stand in unity with us.

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